Square Dance Lessons (Classes) in Pierce & King counties, WA

Exercise Your “Right to Pursue Happiness” – Learn How to Square Dance

If you are looking for something to do as a couple (or an unattached single) in order to re-ignite your social life, consider Square Dancing. It will revitalize your Pursuit of Happiness and put Fun back in your step! Today’s square dancing is much different than what you may have experienced in grammar school or in a high school physical education class. You will never regret learning to square dance!

Not convinced??? Check out this “Is Square Dancing For You?” video. It’s the most compelling promotional/testimonial we’re aware of.

Square dance music covers all genres (pop, classical, rock-n-roll, even rap) in addition to “country” these days. 

Western attire is an option, not a requirement. Casual attire when taking lessons, and attending dances, is entirely acceptable.

“Singles” are welcome…even though a “square” of dancers involves 4 “couples”, it is NOT necessary for you to come with a dance partner (we’ll provide one!).

Square dancing focuses on FUN, not artistry!

If you have never tried square dancing because you think you have “two left feet”, don’t worry. Fancy footwork is not required! Being superbly graceful, while admirable, is not a high priority.

You will quickly discover that square dancing is  

  • Fun…lots of smiles and laughter. 
  • Healthy…both physically and mentally.  
  • Friendly…people of all ages participate. 
  • Easy on the pocket-book (less expensive than “movie night”). 
  • Something you can enjoy being a part of for the rest of your life (even if you stop dancing at some point, you can still participate socially!)

Information about our LESSONS:

The next set of lessons will start in February 2025, beginning Sunday 2/2. Date, time & location information is shown below. The first Lesson is repeated the 2nd week, thus 1 “Lesson” but 2 “Sessions”! Open enrollment will extend through the 2nd week, after which no new enrollments can be accepted.

Pre-register here (it’s optional) to get as many as 2 FREE sessions:  online form

More detailed information about “OUR” lessons.

  • The full lesson-set consists of 16 “lessons”: 12 to teach the “fundamentals”, followed by 4 more to enable new dancers to competently dance just about anywhere in Washington state (or anywhere in the country, for that matter). Realistically, new dancers should expect to complete the full program in 18-20 weeks.
  • Several Rainier Council clubs are collaborating and coordinating efforts to offer lessons at three different Pierce County locations on four different evenings during the week in order to provide student dancers with the flexibility to “mix and match” as best fits their schedule*.
  • *Weekly attendance is critical to success! Make a commitment early to not “miss” a lesson (arrange to attend one of the other classes if missing your “regular” lesson is unavoidable).
  • Enrollment for new students is allowed during the 1st and 2nd weeks only!  
  • Each lesson-session will last 1 1/2 to 2 hours with a “live” professional caller/instructor.
  • Casual attire (wear comfortable shoes) 
  • Students are not required to join any club before or during lessons but joining a club after completing lessons is strongly encouraged! 
  • The cost per session is only $6 per person.  

Square Dancing has been Washington State’s Official Dance for decades. You will actually be dancing in the first 30 minutes of Lesson #1. Rainier Council is one of 11 councils in the Square and Folk Dance Federation of Washington.

Lessons are usually offered twice each year, typically starting in late September and again in mid-to-late January.

We “graduated” 25 new dancers (14 of whom are pictured here along with a couple of our caller/instructors) from the Spring Class of 2023!

Questions? Call or text (209) 304-5763 [be sure to leave a message with your name and cell phone number].